Friday, May 26, 2006

Back to Corba

Since last week, I have been back to working on CORBA, something I did a lot a couple of years back. And while I didn't fancy the idea, I had to take it like a bitter pill to swallow, since it seems there aren't too many experts in that area. Feels good to possess a skill that's a rareity in this software job market.
While the initial few things were pedestrian, its the new band of enhancements, that are making me feel pains. Well, add to this the pangs of separation I feel from a certain RD, and its only funny that I have a notion of spearation without really being together.. Sounds cryptic isn't it ?
That underlines the truth of the prophesy that I tend to hang on to certain things, and those thread leaks make my process sluggish. Amazing that concepts in OS can be matched so well to real life. Our life is like a round robin scheduling algorithm, and we keep dong certain tasks over and over again, hoping there are no deadlocks.

No wonder the legacy writers of OS thought of intuitive terms like sleep(), which we do when ee haven't got much to do..
This week, I look myself into the mirror and feel a zillion times better. This morning in fact that ecstacy to see the waiste-line recede like the tidal waters was so messemerizing that I literally started a salsa and followed it up with a dance ball with my image in the mirror.
The winds of change are indeed blowing and I think, a little more thought into my actions will give me exponentially better results.

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