Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Coined this term off the cuff, without much prior thought or deliberation.
Perhaps reflects the impact of the record ingrained upon my mind by Vijaypat Singhania, by conquering the skys using a tool that even toddlers would relate to and use as a trinket at times.
If he made it past the troposphere, I wish my blog makes it's to the blogosphere, where blogging has reached meteoric proportions !
What I liked best about the event was that it was done at a ripe old age when people get less risk averse and want to lead a life of bliss and solitute rather than try such stunts, which maketh the 'Yuva'..His son, Gautam seemed to be glowing with pride and was beaming with pleasure..

Its been about a decade since I moved to the new office . Well, isn't decade supposed to stand for 10 years, but when things are not exactly as expected, a day sounds like a year..
Some good news was in store today morning as I opened my mailbox, the Patent's dinner is finally being scheduled in Jan. and the best part is its Go-GOA; so its going to be just about the perfect time to go there and have a blast.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Fan club

The other day, I caught up some movie action on ZMZ, and my grey cells fail to generate correct nervous impulses to retrieve that name; now since when have I become forgetful ? Are these the first signs of ageing ? I don't think so, giving myself the benefit of doubt, since I dream well these days. That has marked a paradigm shift in my thought process, since my sub-conscious is feeling the positive vibes and the glow of radiance which the Winter is trying to camouflage !

Mornings in winter are the best, and while Occidental springs bring out the best in people, its winter in India that gives people a chance to flaunt their in vogue shawls, sweaters and what have u ?
I liked this 'what have u' phrase, picked it up from a stock analyst on CNBC. Its truly amazing to see the great strides that Eves of the 21st century have made, especially in the arena of economics, the territory considered the monopoly of Warren Buffet and the hegemony of the folks from Mars...

I have always considered women to be far more superior in their language skills, very few males educated in convents are able to maintain that charm and dignity when they step out of the cosy confines of their Alma Mater. Its probably got to do with the ruff-tuff image that they need to live with all their life, its one of the many burdens that they need to shoulder.

Just snapping off this one, since I need to send one mail pretty soon........

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Movers and Shakers !

Stability is precious to mankind if not the thing dearest to heart. Civilization finds its roots deeply buried into this basic instinct of mankind, when leading a nomadic, bohemian life had caused his worries to multiple and manifest manifold. Well, this alliteration was partly instinctive and partly deliberate, for the purists of the Windsor age, believing in jewels called Figures of Speech.
From the hustle-bustle that is the trademark of any 21st century cosmopolitan city, to the outskirts, this journey tomorrow is, as always, not without that pang in the heart.More often than not, its the fear psychosis, of the unknown. Mankind doesn't like too many surprises, atleast discounting the ones who can be branded as ravagely ambitious.

Baner is not too much of a well known sub-urb, atleast until the recent past. But ever since the floorspace hungry IT population set its eye on this area, the spotlight has been too bright to ignore. One may call it a glow of numerous 100 W bulbs and nowhere close to the Sun or Moon; but one thing is certain, the bhumiputras there have raked in a lot of moolah. If realty costs Rs 2100 per sq ft there, then u know what I am aiming at....

So tomorrow will be time to bid adieu to Pune-1, so close to the GPO and move on to Baner, Pune-something....As some poet has fondly said,
Ring out the old and ring in the new !!

Let the Movers and Shakers come and make merry tomorrow !!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Weepy Wednesday

The day began on sound note.
Getting up when my mobile alarm chimes doesn't sound like fighting a battle of panipat any longer. Probably my subconscious has been fine tuned to the biological clock that my exterior is used to.
The ceremonious walk/jog, followed by pranayam etc, almost sounds too perfect to be true for me. But it only proves that 'where there is a will, there is a way" !
Those extra kilos which are piggybacking on my stomach (aare, pounds for you Amrus), must be exhumed from my body; since I believe its not a deserving abode for them....

The week started on a rather rusty note, and the Diwali vacation hangover was too heavy to shed in a hurry. It has taken a couple of days to move from a bohemian, rustic Konkani habitat to the truly urbane Puneri requiem.

Some bad news was brewing in office, and the coffee beans got spilt out today. Its just that, when things are about to sound rosy, some thorn pricks you and brings you from Cloud No 9 to Seventh heaven to the humble earth...And Mother earth is so loving, she preaches the slemn virtues of introspection, the laws of karma and reignites the 'never-say-die' attitude that is my hallmark.
I wouldn't like to be labelled a narcassist, but I genuinely believe I am the Phoenix, who needs to go to the ashes every now and then to be reborn as a better, more evolved and mature individual. Take the world in your stride, not Dinesh, but Akshay !

So, its not that weepy after all, India are doing well in Cricket.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. But the semi-tough still see lurking shadows of uncertainty, and that makes a gullible guy like me fall into the habit of drawing superstitious conclusions. Its almost like whenever India does well in cricket, I suffer temporary setbacks in life. That's why I live and breathe Australia, rather than India. Go Aussie GO !!!!!!!!