Friday, October 08, 2004

Freaky Friday

Though I titled this blog freaky Friday, it has been a listless day with not much happening in office...
Eagerly awaiting the release of CAICOS so that our next release CRETE can get started.

I recalled and revered Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October and thought of his autobiography
"My experiments with truth". How veri true he was !
I had to only settle for 'my experiments with blogs'.

I used blogspot 2 years back and was regularly irregular in posting.
One fine day blogspot decided to punish me and wouldn't allow me to login and post again.
The egotist in me said, so what, its not the only place in the world to rite online stuff...
So I switched loyalties unlike a steadfast general and moved to the rediff camp.

This kind of sounds melodramatic like countries switching sides between US and USSR, the erstwhile, during the cold war era !
Things looked fine on rediffblogs, and I was at my blogging best. I thought it was a wise decision to associate my literary work with rediff, probably more desi than others...
But my moment of happiness was ephemeral, and a gap of 60 odd days between my 2 posts had taken its toll.

My trusted lieutenant RediffBlogs ditched me, and I thought at first hand, let me give him the benefit of doubt. I expected it was a server side issue which would get sorted in a few hours, or a couple of days as the worst possible bargain !
My hopes were all dashed when this security guard refused to accept my login credentials and kept me out of the realm of blogging...

When you run out of options, what do you typically do ? Well, just what the mouse called Scabbers did in the Harry Potter book, you run back to the lesser evil.
So though BlogSpot sounded like the one-who-must-not-be-named, I decided to name him and owe allegiance to him again.

And today's blog is precisely an effort at achieving that....

Only after posting will I realize if the attempt was worthwhile or not...

If yes
expect lots of blogging from me
// do nothing

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