Saturday, October 01, 2005

Saturday 'Day' Out

On NTDV, we have Saturday Night-out fever. Today was Sat 'day' out for me, since I was not in the cosy confines of my lare, but in office for a change.
Spending a weekend is very unlike me, I disapprove of it , as a matter of principle.

Why call it a holiday and then expect people to come-in and slog out for the 6th day in a row ?
But that's the way things are, and i suddenly discovered and experienced a phenomenon called as peer-pressure. When too many ppl around you are frequent revellers in the office cubicles on Sat, how can I be left out ?

When I started off with the task at hand, it sounded peanuts to me, or Ok, call it cashewnuts. A rather nutty-job, so to say. I even expressed this as a concern, before shouldering te responsibility.
While I would not call it Rocket Science by any stretch of imagination, its not child's play either. The situation being aggravated by a BFS traversal of our product. Every single day I wake up, its thinking about how to cross the next hurdle. Well, let me not keep blabbering abt that..

I have become a great fan of Britney Spears . The number "Oops I did it again" keeps my WinAmp busy all the time, and sounds exhilirating to me. Probably, purists of Western music might not consider this choice numero uno, but I don't care. Its for the masses, and my conviction says "Be with the masses, if you please" After all that's what democracy is all about.
Old Mr Lincoln picked up randomly selectly prepositions and constructed this institution of democracy, which has its firm roots in America and with its desi-flavor in India.

Nowadays, I don't like the word India so much. Bharat sounds much closer to heart, and while Hindustan sounds communal to a 'select coterie', it comes from the river Sindhu, whose nomenclature was changed to Indus by the British Raj.

The empire reminds me of our own emperor in the cricket fraternity, Ganguly.
While I think he deserved accolades in the past, this is the right time for brickbats. Greggie has stirred the hornet's nest. Any guesses who the Hornet is ? One businessman, having a cornucopia of wealth, sitting in East India, Kolkata, Jaggu Dalmia.
When he's around, no need to worry since, Dal me definitely kuch mila hua hai :-)

Maratha strongman Sharad Pawar is trying hard to wrest that crown, which is like the Kohinoor of World cricket. Since the hand that rocks the BCCI, rules the ICC, stakes are too high....

Meeting friends last week provided much respite to a mundane routine that I am used to now.
We had Pizza and stuff in truly Amru style.
The middle of the week was a nadir of sorts, with not good news from office. It almost felt like betrayal; giving a whiff of what heart broken couples might be going thru. Each experience makes us richer, that way or the other. Samazhe wale ko ishara kaffi hai ..........

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