Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I know what it feels like..

The last fortnight has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride for me. There have been ebbs and crests, reminding us of those gigantic oceanic waves that surfers relish upon.
To share the good news, I got promoted to the next level, and am a Senior Software Engr now ! Time to party for sure .
I just put in a request for new visiting cards today. While I haven't had the good fortune of given Valentine's day card to anyone, business cards are the coward man's ticket to heaven, I feel.
Spring - if there is any such climactic condition in India, brings in its own set of chequered feelings. While on one hand, things looks beautiful, there is that characteristic feeling of solitude and a longing for the unknown ! Swings in the weather from 13 to 39 deg C only manage to keep umbrellas and wind cheaters active in unison.

Sometimes, you hear things about yourself from someone just out of the blue and are caught totally unawares. In fact, as they say, truth is a bitter pill to swallow. An incident on similar lines shook me out of slumber and the very natural phenomenon happened. First of all, I wasn't willing to fully accept my fallacies, and it was almost like my picture perfect image in the mirror was torn apart by a little pebble. Then followed the regular phenomenon, going into a shell. When things go wrong, they have this Saturnine effect of throwing self esteem for a toss and you almost look for an opportunity to curse your existence. I went thru one of the lowest nadirs ever in recent years; but that uncanny knack which God bestowes upon me sailed me through.

I think I have emerged stronger after this period and atleast will consciously try to set things order again.
And I also know what it feels like to FIL .

1 comment:

Akira said...

Heyy Akshay...this is probably a bit late...but congratulations on your promotion!..

Wish the bleak days that you talk abt in your blog soon disappear..