Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Coined this term off the cuff, without much prior thought or deliberation.
Perhaps reflects the impact of the record ingrained upon my mind by Vijaypat Singhania, by conquering the skys using a tool that even toddlers would relate to and use as a trinket at times.
If he made it past the troposphere, I wish my blog makes it's to the blogosphere, where blogging has reached meteoric proportions !
What I liked best about the event was that it was done at a ripe old age when people get less risk averse and want to lead a life of bliss and solitute rather than try such stunts, which maketh the 'Yuva'..His son, Gautam seemed to be glowing with pride and was beaming with pleasure..

Its been about a decade since I moved to the new office . Well, isn't decade supposed to stand for 10 years, but when things are not exactly as expected, a day sounds like a year..
Some good news was in store today morning as I opened my mailbox, the Patent's dinner is finally being scheduled in Jan. and the best part is its Go-GOA; so its going to be just about the perfect time to go there and have a blast.


Abhijit Deodhar said...

congrats on the invitation to the patents dinner.

I want u to add a link on ur blog to my website http://filebox.vt.edu/users/adeodhar

I found out that Page ranking works by finding how many pages have a link to a particular page... so trying to increase search rate for my home page


Anonymous said...

your site is loading slowly

Anonymous said...

в итоге: превосходно. а82ч